Municipal collection service

A reliable and efficient municipal
collection service

Everyday, Ricova looks to ensure a collection service of recyclable materials that meets the expectations of citizens and municipalities. We offer the collection of recyclable materials, waste, organic materials, bulky items as well as green waste, including Christmas trees.

Municipal collection makes it possible to recover recyclable materials and waste from houses and apartment buildings (in the residential sector) of the municipalities we serve, as well as industries, businesses, and institutions (the IBI sector) whose volumes are covered by municipal contracts.

The recyclable materials are then sent to our sorting centers where they are sorted and recovered by our recycling partners. Thanks to its expertise, its vast experience and, above all, its large network of contacts around the world, Ricova can intervene on all issues related to recycling, waste management and cleanliness by implementing solutions that are global, innovative, and tailor-made for municipalities.

Waste, on the other hand, are brought to secure and known landfills, where the waste can be recovered, for example, by generating natural gas or electricity from the methane emissions captured on site.

Closing the Loop of Material Management

At Ricova, all services are perfectly integrated to ensure the clientele and citizens that they are being served the perfect optimization of the collected materials.

Throughout the years, we have acquired real overall expertise in all stages of the management of residual materials and recyclables. From collection to transportation and to treatment, while going through the marketing and exportation of materials, Ricova takes charge of all steps of the recycling process in Quebec.

We stand by regular dialogues with our clients, constant evaluations of their expectations and satisfaction, and the assessment of their needs by our dedicated and competent teams.

Each municipality is unique and Ricova brings forth personalized solutions to best satisfy its clients. By offering solutions adapted to their needs and a service dedicated to excellence, we work daily by relying on our expertise and our knowledge of the market for raw materials resulting from recycling.

Every gesture counts!

As a citizen, do you have a question or a concern?
Write to us at

Latest article:
Unlocking the Power of Recycling: 4 Fascinating Facts You Didn't Know

Unlocking the Power of Recycling: 4 Fascinating Facts You Didn't Know

In a world where sustainability is becoming increasingly vital, recycling stands out as a beacon of hope.
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