National Trucking Week

National Trucking Week

Ricova joins the celebration of National Trucking Week

For many years The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA), the country’s national trucking group, in conjunction with the provincial trucking associations, has celebrated National Trucking Week to highlight the important work and contribution made by more than 400,000 Canadians who work as truckers; who daily face adverse climatic circumstances, the stress of the roads and long hours behind the wheel to transport thousands of products that we need or, as in our case, collect our waste, recycling and more.

With National Trucking Week usually takes place on the first week of September in Canada, tomorrow we will accompany our drivers and offer them refreshments as a token of our appreciation for their dedication the put in this work.

Be sure to highlight this special occasion, when you see driver around give them a thumbs up, to join this week.

Watch the special video prepared by one of our helpers, Simon Teolis, who highlights the work of our wonderful drivers:

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Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions:

Picture of Ricova


Founded in 2001, Ricova is the most fully integrated Quebec company for its collection, sorting and recycling services for residual and recyclable materials. Recyclable and organic materials represent more than 70% of the materials it collects and transports in Quebec. Thanks to more than 20 years of experience in the field, Ricova is concerned about protecting the environment by supporting the most ecological solutions that allow it to optimize its operations and obtain more value for recycled materials.
Tags: trucking
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