
BAPE mandate: Ricova to demonstrate the added value of an integrated proposal

Mandat du BAPE

Ricova welcomes the inquiry and public consultation on the state of its site and of its management of final residues by the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE). The mandate of this commission of inquiry begins today, March 8.

By taking part in this, we believe this work, among other things, will contribute to improving the overall quality of the materials sorted by Quebec’s sorting centers by increasing Quebecers’ understanding of the processes used to treat the materials they put in the recycling bin.

Even today, too often do we see items that have no place on a sorting line. Recyc-Québec’s search tool, Ça va où, is an invaluable tool for sorting our household materials before they even reach the sorting centres.

Because we work actively to add value, promote and market recyclable materials, we firmly believe that the mandate entrusted to BAPE by the Minister of the Environment and the Fight against Climate Change, Mr. Benoit Charette, creates the perfect opportunity for our organization to demonstrate the considerable amount of expertise it has acquired over the past two decades, during which, it has found several markets for the recycled materials coming from Quebec’s households.

A recognized player in the Quebec market since the early 2000s, Ricova is constantly seeking innovation with the hopes of making our planet greener. We are committed to changing mindsets, and we have the know-how to make a significant contribution to the collection, processing and marketing of recycling products of all kinds – glass, plastic and metals.

That’s why we act every day to raise awareness!

BAPE's Mandate in Brief

BAPE’s mandate is based on several specific objectives:

  • Draw up a portrait of the current residual materials disposal procedures, as well as a portrait of the anticipated disposal capacity for the next 20 years;
  • Carry out a stakeholder mapping: integrating the roles and concerns of the various stakeholders with regard to the management of final residues;
  • Analyze existing disposal or treatment methods, as well as innovative technologies and mechanisms, particularly those used elsewhere in the world, which could serve as a model for Quebec in terms of recovering energy sources or materials, while promoting the principles of the circular economy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions;
  • Evaluate measures, solutions or requirements aimed at ensuring better management of final residues, while taking into account the various regional contexts;
  • Determine the conditions favorable to the social acceptability of the various options analyzed as based on the best practices.

BAPE’s report must be submitted to the Minister no later than December 22, 2021.

Waste, a resource to be valorized.

With the mandate that has just been entrusted to the BAPE, we are able to take advantage of this opportunity to further contribute and use our expertise and experience in the management of recycled product operations for the benefit of Quebec families. What’s more, through this commission of inquiry, we’ll be working to demonstrate that the recovery of recycled products is a necessity in Quebec. The products we consume here must be made from the materials we throw away here.

More than ever, we are investing in our processes to integrate our activities and ensure that recycling becomes a truly cutting-edge industry. There is still too little known by the general public. For us, waste is first and foremost a resource to be valorized!

That’s why, at Ricova and at you, every gesture counts!

All the information on the BAPE’s work can be found here:

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