How to make your lunch zero waste

lunch zero waste

At five lunches a week, multiplied by the number of weeks of school or work, there is something we can do to reduce our carbon footprint.

What happens to recycled metals?

Que deviennent les métaux recyclés?

Metal recycling involves collecting, sorting and treating metal waste to give it a second life and reintroduce it to the market as a raw material.

Glass: what to put in the blue bin

Glass blue bin

Glass containers are recovering, especially in the face of the boom in bulk sales, the upcoming expansion of the deposit box for wine and spirits – in addition to the recycling of curbside recycling that we are currently experiencing – and of our collective desire to put an end to plastic packaging.

End of single-use plastic bags in Montreal

Single-use plastic bags

It’s a done deal since September 27, 2022: Montreal retailers can no longer offer single-use plastic bags to their customers, good news for the quality of materials sorted at sorting centres in Montreal.