
Move while protecting the planet!

Move while protecting the planet

Every year, 115,000 moves take place between June and July in Montreal.

This period of movement is synonymous of a lot of organization and stress for you, and for us at Ricova, many challenges related to volume and dangers caused by objects that should not end up in the recycling bin.

With July 1 just around the corner, here are some simple reminders to help you make the right choices. Don’t forget to check out Recyc-Québec’s “Ça va où?” app, when you sort out your possessions!

First of all, if your items and devices are in good condition, always reuse them before recycling them. You can sell them on specialized sites or donate them to associations. The latter collect, reuse and value the given effects. They implement a daily and lasting action of awareness-raising and re-employment education.

· Furniture, decoration, tableware: good candidates for the ecocentre

Your furniture is too damaged, your stacked clothes are too old-fashioned? Your dishes are chipped? The ecocentre is generally a good choice, as you can deposit several materials in one go.

· Household appliances: beware of gases and hazardous materials

Did you know that a refrigerant generates an average of 1 ton of GHG?

If the appliance is not recycled properly, the gases and all other hazardous materials in the appliance will be released into the environment.

GoRecycle oversees the recovery and recycling of refrigerating appliances (fridge, freezer, storeroom, air conditioner, dehumidifier). More than 260 free deposit points are in place across Quebec.

As for the other appliances, if they no longer work, do not abandon them at the curb, drop them at the ecocentre!

Recycling electronic devices
• Electronics: sorry, your old walkman does not go to recycling!

You can drop off your electronic devices (mobile phones, tablets, cameras, chargers, earphones, ink cartridges etc.) in an electrobac located near you, or find a drop-off point for your Serpuariens.

For larger devices, hop on! Go to the ecocentre!

· Lithium batteries: recycling centres enemy #1

Never put your lithium batteries in the recycling bins. They pose a serious risk to the health and safety of workers, as revealed in the rapport Les piles au lithium dans un bac bleu, un mélange incendiaire! (in French only) ordered by Ricova in 2021.

Lithium batteries

Lithium batteries become extremely dangerous when damaged, crushed or exposed to water. They explode like fireworks and can easily ignite paper, cardboard or other materials found in sorting centres.

A number of sorting centres in Quebec, including ours, have reported numerous fires caused by lithium batteries.

Don’t put them in the garbage bin either. They will end up in landfills where they can pollute the environment by releasing toxic chemicals.

Call2recycle is an organization dedicated to the safe collection, transportation and recycling of consumer batteries, including lithium batteries, across Canada. Simply drop off your batteries at one of the 30,000 deposit points. You can also check if your ecocentre is able to receive them safely.

• Household hazardous waste: never in the bin

Other products must never be put in the bin: paint, oil, mercury lamps (compact fluorescent lamps and neons), gas cylinders (propane and others), aerosols, containers of pool chemicals (even empty ones), etc. Again, these types of household waste pose a great danger to the environment and to the workers in the sorting centres if they are not managed responsibly.

You still have doubts as to whether it goes to the bin, or not, you can always consult the site of Recy-Québec, or download the mobile app Ça va où?

Have a nice move!

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions:

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